In the pages "the whistle of the month", I present whistles for which a special search was made.
There isn't a page each month as I write them when I have time or when I find a good documentation.
Click on the month to go to the whistle page |
2003 |
June 2003 |
Globular whistle. Mortroux. Creuse(23). France. 1834
A simple signed whistle and a polar story to discover its center and creator... |
July 2003 |
Dog whistle. Paris. France 16th century.
The rich French ceramical production of the Renaissance (16th century) in Paris... |
August 2003 |
Water whistle. Corund. Romania. 1970's.
Take a few minutes to read this page and you will never more buy a Romanian whistle instead of a "wonderful old American whistle" or "Staffordshire whistle" ... |
October 2003 |
Tubular whistle. Imari. Japon. Late 19th early 20th c. This crawling baby is a Japanese whistle. Such whistles were perhaps "chopsticks rests"... |
November 2003 |
Globular whistle. Puisaye. France. 1970s
The stoneware production in Puisaye is wellknown for the somptuous glazes but the regional whistles are ignored. This whistle shows a unique shape in the European whistles... |
December 2003 |
Globular whistle. Dolenja Vas. Slovenia. Mid 20th s.
A nice Slovenian whistle to wish you a happy new year... |
2004 |
January 2004 |
Bird whistle on a money box. Imprenuta. Toscania. Italy 1900s
This whistle money box is just an example of the extraordinary rich production of whistles in Italy... |
February 2004 |
Ram shaped tubular whistle. Ouba. Ouzbekistan. Années 1970s
The whistles from Central Asia have fantastic shapes. Discover a magical world of ... |
March 2004 |
Bull shaped tubular whistle. Baléares. Spain. 1960s
The "siurells" in the Baleares are unique in Europe. The origine of these shapes remains a mystory but reveals its antic origine... |
May 2004 |
Sifflet à eau en forme d'oiseau. La Louvière. Belgique. 1939.
Les sifflets en terre cuite sont très anciens en Belgique et liés aux fêtes dont la célèbre Ducasse de Mons... |
June 2004 |
Bird globular whistle. Yorkshire. England. 19th C.
(in French) The English whistles are rare but the big bird whistles on tree or perches are spectacular ones... |
2005 |
January 2005 |
Woman riding a horse. Dymkovo. Russia. Early 20th C.
Dymkovo is one of the famoust center for its clay toys. The whistles have a special and important place in this production... |
February 2005 |
Hen and chicken shaped tubular whistles. Barcelos. Portugal. Mid 20th C.
The whistles in Portugal are full of life. This whistle is a testimony of the production of the old women who made these figurines... |
March 2005 |
Rider shaped tubular whistle. Andùjar. Spain. Late 20th c.
(in French) The Spanish whistles have antic origine. This rider whistle has its ancestors in the medieval whistles in Andalucia... |
May 2005 |
Pair of male and female globular whistles . Vénezuela. 1980.
The tradition of giving whistles during the love rites is antic and universal. Those whistles are wedding gifts... |
2006 |
January 2006 |
Whistling needle case. Kelsterbach porcelain. Germany. Late 18th century.
Apart from the traditional clay whistles, some whistles have been made in porcelain for particular uses like this needle case... |
February 2006 |
Cuckoo. Einsielden. Switzerland. 1st half of 20th c.
The horn shape of this Swiss cuckoo is known from Hungary to Alsace in Europe ... |
May 2006 |
Soot whistle. Soufflenheim. Alsace. 1950.
(in French) Blowing is not whistling . The soot whistles were classic tricks until the middle of the 20th century... |
November 2006 |
Rider. Ukraine. 1900s.
(in French) The horse and rider shaped Ukainian whistles have their roots in the old Slavic religion... |
Janvier 2007 |
Dog on a flat base. Early 20th c.
It's often hard to know from where come the whistles found in Great Britain. The whistle of January shows that after the end of the English folk pottery, many typical English whistles are continental ones. This one was probably made in Spain... |