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It would be tiresome to present here the hundreds of books and articles read to create this site. Historical references will be avalaible in the database on line next summer.

Books about clay whistles
  • NIXDORFF Heide " Tönender Ton Tongefässflöten und Tonpfeifen aus Europa " Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Berlin (1974) : the essential reading. A typological study of the European clay whistles by studying the collection of the Folk museum in Berlin.

  • "La terra, il fuoco, l'acqua, il soffio": a catalog of an exhibition of the national folk museum in Rome describing in 400 p the Italian production of clay whistles (675 photos of whistles classified by province with the potters and the traditions of each place...)

  • "Ceramiche popolari a fiato di tutto il mondo": Exhibition catalog (1980) of the Museo di palazzo chiericati de Vicenza. Exhibition of 1500 clay whistles from the whole world lent by several private collectors.

  • JÜNGLING Eleonore GREIN Gerd J."Sammlung zur Volkskunde in Hessen. Pfeiffiguren aus Europa" (1981): Exhibition catalog of the Museum Alten Rathaus OTZBERG
    The best presentation of the German production and a general overview of the European one.

  • Il Museo dei cucchi:"Fischietti in terracotta di tutto il mondo" (1992): even if the texts are nearly the Mrs NIXDORFF'ones, this catalogue shows 60 wonderfull photos of modern clay whistles grouped by countries.

Books about whistles
  • GILCHRIST Martyn " Whistles " (2000) :this little book is a irreplaceable source for whistle collectors.
    Its author presents hundreds of metal, wood, horn, bone, ivory ot plastic English dated whistles with the manufactures'names. The English clay whistle production is well described as are the continental hard-paste whistles made for the British market.
    With the good choice of the selected models always really representative, it is possible to date most of the whistles made since the end of the 19th century.

  • GILCHRIST Martyn et TOPMAN Simon" Collecting Police whistles and similar types" (1995): it is also an amazing work, a catalog of all police whistles.
Some general books about archaeomusicology
  • HOMO-LECHNER Catherine " Sons et instruments de musique au Moye Âge " (1996): a good panorama of the musical and sound medieval instruments and their uses. The author, leader of the French archaeomusicology, also presents the problematics of this discipline.

  • "Le carnyx et la lyre: archéologie musicale en gaule celtique et romaine 1993-1994": on the occasion of a joint exhibition of the museums of Besançon, Orléans and Evreux, this catalog written by Christophe VENDRIES and C. HOMO-LECHNER updates our knowledge of the musical scene in Gaul.

  • "Préhistoire de la musique: sons et instruments de musique des âges du Bronze et du Fer en France": the wonderful exhibition in the Musée de Préhistoire d'Ile de France in Nemours in 2002 allowed Tinaïg CLODORE, Michel DAUVOIS, C. VENDRIES and C. HOMO LECHNER to describe the sound scene of protohistory in this catalog of the exhibition.

Whistles around the world
  • BLINOV Gennadi " Russian folk-style figurines " (1983): one of the numerous books describing the Russian clay whistles. While most of them are Russian written, this one is English written.

  • LU PU "Volkstümliches chinesisches Spielzeug" (1990): even if this book is about all the Chinese folk toys, clay whistles are in the majority in the items shown in this book.